Share your thoughts on the Draft Plan
Please use the comment form below to submit your feedback on the DRAFT Comprehensive Plan and Appendices (to submit multiple comments, refresh the page). Alternatively, you can email your comments directly to [email protected]. When emailing, please include the chapter, page number, and any relevant action you are referencing to help the Planning Team address your feedback more effectively.
The documents may be found below.
The documents may be found below.
Draft Comprehensive Plan
To review the Draft Comprehensive Plan, click the image below or click here.
Draft Appendix A: Public Involvement Summary
To review Appendix A: Public Involvement Summary, click here.
Draft Appendix B: Existing Conditions Report
To review Appendix B: Existing Conditions Report click here.
draft Appendix C: Future Land Use Map USer's Guide
To review Appendix C: Future Land Use Map User's Guide, click here.
To view a large version of the DRAFT Future Land Use Map, click here.
To view a large version of the DRAFT Future Land Use Map, click here.
Draft Appendix D: Traffic analysis and recommendations
To review Appendix D: Traffic analysis and recommendations, click here.
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Blueprint Alabaster is a community-driven process to develop a unifying vision for the future of Alabaster through a comprehensive plan. This process will empower all Alabaster citizens to shape the vision and make recommendations that will guide the City's decisions for years to come.
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